Introduction/Motivation for the workshop

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) is providing expertise, resources and planning for supporting exploration and development of space missions for operational observation, monitoring and research.  Atmospheric science is one of the broad areas benefiting from satellite technology, especially for reaching remote regions spread out over Canada and on the global scale. These space-based observations contribute to research, operations and monitoring for weather, climate, air quality, resource management, transportation and security. The ever-increasing sophistication of instruments and newer technologies developed by the Canadian private sector and universities contribute substantially to promote the quality and coverage of key data relevant in these sectors. In most cases, the synergy with other instruments promotes national and international collaborations, enriching the impact of our collective efforts.

In this broad context, the CSA is seeking advice of the Canadian scientific community in the domain of atmospheric sciences to contribute to setting the direction and priorities by providing recommendations for the coming years.

  • This workshop will identify ideas for future missions, instruments, observing systems and international collaborations both for short-term and longer-term horizons;
  • This workshop will provide a forum for presentation and discussion of these potential opportunities to develop a community vision;
  • We expect many workshop participants to be part of collaborative teams (from academia, government and industry) to be self-assembled prior to the meeting. These teams will bring their current concepts and ideas to the discussion forum;
  • Direction and requirements (e.g. science missions and operational instruments that will be needed in the coming decades) will be developed as part of a long-term vision for this space sector;
  • Prior to the workshop, we will be holding three preparatory telecons for workshop participants to provide opportunities for preliminary discussions and to enable the workshop to be as productive as possible.